
  • Conceptual Servicing and Development Design
  • Due Diligence Review for Proposed Projects
  • Urban and Rural Subdivision Design
  • Detailed Design of Stormwater, Sanitary Sewer and Water Supply Systems
  • Engineering Support for Municipal Rezoning, Development Agreements and Master Plans
  • Site Layout, Grading and Servicing Design for Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial Sites

HGE's Civil Engineering design team aims to capture and utilize all aspects of a project to our client's advantage. Through our engineering and construction quality management services, we aim to provide a service experience that not only positively impacts the bottom line but also provides a design that limits risks and unforeseen costs while enhancing the future possibilities of the development. Some of the services we provide include:

Commercial Services

Phone: 902-865-2961         Email: info@hge-inc.ca

Civil Engineering

  • Residential Lot Grading
  • Earthwork Volume Analysis
  • Erosion and Sedimentation Control Design
  • Infrastructure Assessment and Rehabilitation Design
  • Capital Works Design and Administration
  • Intersection Design
  • Construction Review, Administration and Commissioning for Municipal Infrastructure
  • Tender Preparation and Contract Administration